1: Empire Cookie Lyons 1. Throwing a drink at someone 2. Marrying Lucious three times 3. Kidnapping her granddaughter

2: 4. Sleeping with her son's best friend 5. Beating up Lucious in prison 6. Threatening to kill her ex-husband

3: 7. Running her own record label 8. Surviving a car explosion 9. Starting her own fashion line

4: 10. Creating a hit television show 11. Faking amnesia to get back at Lucious 12. Creating a scandalous music video

5: 13. Going to jail for a crime she didn't commit 14. Outshining her sons in the music industry 15. Calling out her family's lies

6: 16. Dealing with mental health struggles 17. Discovering her real father's identity 18. Standing up to a dangerous gang

7: 19. Betraying her closest allies for power 20. Getting caught up in a murder conspiracy 21. Reuniting with her estranged mother

8: 22. Surviving a deadly shootout 23. Overcoming addiction issues 24. Starting a charity for at-risk youth

9: 25. Defending her empire from a hostile takeover 26. Releasing a tell-all memoir 27. Becoming a mentor to young artists.